Ecco il testo della dichiarazione con la quale il procuratore del Tribunale
internazionale, Louise Arbour, per i crimini di guerra ha annunciato oggi
l'incriminazione del presidente jugoslavo Slobodan Milosevic e di altri
quattro leader serbi.

            On May 22, I presented an indictment for confirmation against
            Slobodan Milosevic and four others, charging them with crimes
            against humanity -- specifically murder, deportation and
            persecutions, and with violations of the laws and customs of
            war. The indictment was confirmed by a Judge of this Tribunal
            on May 24. The indictment was the subject of a non-disclosure
            order which expired at noon today. I sought this order on the
            basis of security considerations, in particular for the U.N.
            humanitarian mission which left the former Yugoslavia this
            morning. The following accused are jointly indicted:

            SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC, President of the Federal Republic of
            Yugoslavia, MILAN MILUTINOVIC, President of the Republic of
            Serbia, NIKOLA SAINOVIC, Deputy Prime Minister of the Federal
            Republic of Yugoslavia, DRAGOLJUB OJDANIC, Chief of the General
            Staff of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of
            Yugoslavia, and VLAJKO STOJILJKOVIC, Minister of Internal
            Affairs of the Republic of Serbia.

            Arrests warrants have been issued against all five accused and
            are being served on all Member States of the United Nations and
            Switzerland. The warrants are accompanied by a court order
            requesting all States to search for and freeze any and all
            assets of the accused under their jurisdiction. This order was
            sought to prevent foreign assets being used for the purpose of
            evading justice, and to permit effective restitution to be made
            upon conviction. These provisional measures are granted without
            prejudice to the rights of third parties.

            This indictment is the product of intense efforts by a large
            number of people in my Office. It does not represent the
            totality of the charges that may result from our continuing
            investigations of these accused, nor does it represent our
            final determination of the responsibility of others in relation
            to the same events. The present indictment is based exclusively
            on crimes committed since the beginning of 1999 in Kosovo. We
            are continuing to develop an evidentiary base upon which I
            believe we will be able to expand upon the present charges. We
            are still actively investigating other incidents in Kosovo, as
            well as the role of the accused, or of some of them, in Croatia
            and Bosnia in earlier years. We are also still investigating
            the role and responsibility of others into the crimes contained
            in this indictment.

            Although this broad investigation is on-going, we had reached a
            point, at the end of last week where, in my view, we had
            sufficient evidence of these very serious offences committed by
            these accused to require us to bring these charges at this
            stage. As usual, this indictment was the subject of thorough
            scrutiny within the Office of the Prosecutor before being
            submitted to a Judge for confirmation. In order to have the
            indictment confirmed, the Prosecutor must present a primafacie
            case. In his decision confirming the indictment, Judge David
            Hunt said: "A primafacie case on any particular charge exists
            in this situation where the material facts pleaded in the
            indictment constitute a credible case which would (if not
            contradicted by the accused) be a sufficient basis to convict
            him of that charge."

            We have received, and we are continuing to receive valuable
            information from governments, as well as from groups and
            individuals. We are still awaiting further evidence that I
            believe many States will be able to contribute to our larger
            investigation. I repeat my pressing call to them to come
            forward and be responsive to our outstanding and future
            Requests for Assistance in relation to evidence in their

            I also call upon all states to comply with the execution of
            these, and all outstanding arrests warrants issued by the
            Tribunal. These warrants are issued under the authority of a
            Security Council resolution, which requires all States to
            comply with the orders of the Tribunal. I call in particular on
            the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and
            especially on the Minister of Justice, to stand up for the Rule
            of Law, and to request that all the accused voluntarily submit
            to the jurisdiction of the Tribunal, or, should they fail to do
            so, to provide for their arrest and transfer to The Hague.

            I have been stressing for several months now our commitment to
            functioning as a real time law enforcement operation. I believe
            that it is an extraordinary achievement, by any law enforcement
            standard, for us to have brought to successful confirmation, an
            indictment against the five accused, for crimes of this
            magnitude committed since the beginning of this year. This has
            been achieved in less than five months, under the demanding
            requirements of the Tribunal's Rules of Procedure and Evidence,
            which compel the production to a Judge of detailed supporting
            materials to substantiate the charges. The supporting
            materials, which contain witness statements and relevant
            documents, which were filed with the Registry, will not be
            disclosed until the accused appear to answer the charges.

            Finally, I am mindful of the impact that this indictment may
            have on the peace process in the Federal Republic of
            Yugoslavia. I am confident, as was obviously the Security
            Council in creating this Tribunal and in calling upon it
            several times in the last year to address this issue, that the
            product of our work will make a major contribution to a lasting
            peace, not only in Kosovo, but in the whole region in which we
            have jurisdiction. No credible, lasting peace can be built upon
            impunity and injustice. The refusal to bring war criminals to
            account would be an affront to those who obey the law, and a
            betrayal of those who rely on it for their life and security.

            Although the accused are entitled to the benefit of the
            presumption of innocence until they are convicted, the evidence
            upon which this indictment was confirmed raises serious
            questions about their suitability to be the guarantors of any
            deal, let alone a peace agreement. They have not been rendered
            less suitable by the indictment. The indictment has simply
            exposed their unsuitability.

            An independent review by a Judge of this Tribunal has confirmed
            that there is a credible basis to believe that these accused
            are criminally responsible for the deportation of 740,000
            Kosovo Albanians from Kosovo, and for the murder of over 340
            identified Kosovo Albanians. The victims were entitled to
            expect protection from each one of these accused.

            This indictment is directed against the five named accused. It
            is not directed against the State of the Federal Republic of
            Yugoslavia, nor against its people. Whatever the differences
            amongst the citizens of the FRY, and the differences they may
            have with other nations, I believe that they will expect their
            leaders who have abused their trust, to come to The Hague to
            respond to these accusations.

            (27 maggio 1999)