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Of course, I do not take it for granted

Sunday, April 18, 1999


Major Ecological Catastrophe caused by NATO Bombing

N.B.:  This morning, around 3 a.m. the Pancevo chemical complex that
produces artifical fertilisers received a direct hit by the NATO bombers. 
Pancevo is about 15 miles away from the outskirts of Belgrade and has about
100,000 inhabitants itself.  I talked on the phone with a friend who lives
there.  He is an artist (Jagos Bulatovic) and has three daughters
(Gabriela, Daniela and Emanuela).  They put on gas-masks and for the first
time during the bombing of Serbia the chemo-biological raid warning was
issued.  Jagos reports that all in the area are scared to death as the
gasses coming out of the complex are highly poisonous.  Since it was
raining  at the time, Jagos says that the rain is brown and acid.  The
direction of the wind was, mercifully, favourable driving the huge
poisonous cloud away from the city.

Regarding the truthfulness of the account refer to Dr. Djordje Vidanovic
(djordjev@kalca.junis.ni.ac.yu), University of Nis, Serbia.

18 April 1999 (10:25 p.m.)

Dear Sabrina,

Of course, I do not take for granted claims that Serbs were not driving out
Kosovars from their homes, and I am deeply grieved about it.  Most of the
"ethnic cleansing" took part under the guise of driving the KLA supporters
away.  KLA was doing what I already described -- using private homes as
shelters out of which it would 'hit and run'.  They would hit the police
officers of the country to which they were supposed to belong.  Oh, the
story is so long, and this is not the time nor the place to go into it.  I
am deeply thankful to your entire family (including Fabrizio :)) for
caring.  That is so much now.  I hadn't been aware of the Peacelink site --
will go to it surely.

The ecological problem is my main worry now.  Am trying to get as much data
on it as I can.  Unfortunately, I believe that the frustrations of one man
and his misguided administration have gained momentum so that it will be
very difficult to stop the madness.  I also wish the wise and sophisticated
nations of Europe -- especially France and Italy -- had had enough prudence
to have anticipated the impending disaster and stood in its way.

Best regards to you all.
