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What have we done to them? Why are they so cruel?

Friday, 28 May 1999 (2:17 a.m)

Dearest Sabrina,

You are right. They hit us again, much stronger than last night.  At 12:30
and the attack lasted till about one.  It was terrible. For the first time
I was REALLY afraid as the bombs they have started using seem to be packed
with more explosive.  It was pure terror, you should have seen all the
ashen faces in the halls, you should have heard the screams... And us
staying in the city:  Russian roulette, evidently.  My God, this is turning
into a nightmare of epic proportions.  God knows how many blasts could be
heard... A humanitarian intervention?

Will try to remain as composed as possible.  But believe me, the last week
or so are the horror, grief, total deprivation.  Mental and physical
anguish.  I thought to myself today that the only day in my life when I
felt as bad was the afternoon my father died ten years ago.  It is like
hammers banging you on your head.  Incessantly.

What have we done to them? Why are they so cruel?  What is wrong with some

There is a poem by Ginsberg.  Name is "HOWL".  The only literary piece that
approaches the trauma we have been living through.  It is different, but
some nuances and the name itself are somehow reminiscent.  And it is
necessary now, more than ever, to invoke love in people, to help people and
to be gentle.  Can we do it?  Can't we just get along?
