Logo Marcia Perugia Assisi 1999

March for peace Perugia Assisi 1999

Introduction of Flavio Lotti - national coordinator of the Peace Round TAble

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We have arrived at the third edition of the United Nations People’s Assembly. It has been the result of five years of hard work, of intuitions and collaboration of hundreds of people, associations, local and regional insitutions. It has also been the result of the generous contribution of a group of people who carried out a very complex project. A special thanks goes in paritcularly, on behalf of the hundreds of associations and local bodies which compose the round table of peace, to the institutions of Umbria, to the provinces and to the local municipality of Perugia and to the region of Umbria, without its constant and unconditional support it could have been impossible to continue with our commitment. We all wish that adequate structures would be set up in Umbria to carry out our commitment. A special thanks to hundreds of municipalities, Provinces and regions, which decided to help economically this assembly without asking anything in return.

This link between the civil society and local institutions subject to naural diversities, but with different roles and common interests, is one of the most important element to achieve peace, democracy and justice.

This assembly dedicated to the civil society and local communities did not come occasionally. As we are nearing the end of this century there are reasonable facts to reflect on the past and the future. On the other hand, it is necessary to make a reflection on subjects rather than facts.

What are the future subjects? There is no doubt that "Market" is the dominant one. At present it is the only subject fixing the rules and the criteria of its application.
Together with the market there are National States and the International organizations. Despite their losing of power they still continue having a main role. Moreover if we consider the increasing number of States it is impossible to forsee their end. The third subject is represented by the civil society made up of citizens associated in many ways for different aims, present all over the world, acting at all levels and in confrontation with all the insitutions.
Which are the role, the responsabilities of the civil society in the globalization era ? What are the necessary proposals in order to face the present changes ? Which is the contribution that the civil society can give to promote international democracy and development ? Which are its resources? What sort of culture does it represent? We belong to a block of countries that have the opportunity to do extraordinary things for them and for the world, but it seems to undertake egoism and indifference. If we want to be efficient it is essential to construct a link between the citizens and the organization of civil society, local community not only to speak but to act in first person.
We suggest a link among United Nations, goverments and international institution which share the following preoccupation: -to fight against indifference and resignation to affirm that this is not the only possible world

-definitely reject war at all levels

-to estirpate poverty from the world

-democratize and reinforcing United Nations

This is the political proposal given to You to discuss and evaluate together the path to follow.