Logo Marcia Perugia Assisi 1999

March for peace Perugia Assisi 1999

Report from the Second Workshop of the United Nations People’s Assembly

The role of the civil society and the local community for a right economy

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Workgroup parteciped by 80 persons, representing 30 different countries.

The morning session concentrated on the modifying propose and integrating the final document presented by the participants in the general discussion.

The proposes was discussed by the groups and inserted as amends in the final document.

Proposes and request in brief to governments and parliaments.

- the need to express a judgement regarding the South part of the world, which concentrate on power, specially the multinational agencies blocking the social development through cutting public expense.

- creation of an efficient financial system which operate within reformed UN through the institution of an UN economic social and democratic council represented by financial system, the taxation of

Financial transaction (Tobin tax) abolish tax heaven.

- proceed with the reform of the International Financial Institutions to change the present condition which importance to interest of creditor rather than that of the people.

- cancel the foreign debit of poor countries, re-negotiate debits of the other countries involved. Make sure available resource is used to fight poverty.

- In the context of political work, ensure a minimum salary, be a guarantee to see that all countries respect fundamental economic rights, containing the fundamental Convention of the rights for Labours.

- The representatives of the local community and organization of the civil society are willing to support the diffusion and the promotion of alternative financial institutions which lend microcredit , give privilege to the initiatives of women and of the poorest who otherwise would see their right to access to credit denied.

- It is exactly on these subjects that the evening session of work paid attention with a view that these points can be a reference for other people even though placed in other context.

- Experiences of Bangladesh, Brasil, Philippines, Benin, Italy, Kossovo, Marocco, Tanzania, Mexico, Papua Nuova guinea, from Salvador, and from Honduras were illustrated.

these experiences have focused on four aspects:

The importance to diffuse and create exchange among the financial institutions promoted by the civil society or by the related initiatives of microcedit almost Diffused in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America

The importance to encourage experience of human association almost diffuse in the South of the world which promote advanced initiavies in the field of both democratic and economic system.

The importance to communicate and diffuse the promotion of participation of the public life of the community in order to promote the small enterprise profoundly deep seated in the same local community. A mix of voluntary service and social enterprise experience of the so called "third block.

Their work in autonomy for the contruction and consolidation of the same democracy.

From here the necessity to link these proposals to the countries having difficulties to overcome the dramatic consequence conflict in (kosovo El Salvador Honduras)or to those non democratic regimes (Benin Marocco).In these situations the force of the civil society can become a referring point for the reconstruction of new democratic blocks.

The richness of the experiences and contributions offered by the working session has produced the proposal of making the session permanent as "Forum for an economy of justice". We report this proposal to the whole assembly as a work in progress.

This way of operating will help us to continue with the work for the next assembly.