Da: "Nello Margiotta" A: Oggetto: Fw: Argentina: Piquete y cacerola, la lucha es una sola Data: lunedì 25 febbraio 2002 8.45 Argentina: National Workers' Assembly meeting - a big step forward: http://www.marxist.com/Latinam/argentina_ant_meeting0202.html From the above report on the growing situation of dual power in Argentina: <<...One of the main focal points of the debate was the question of how the workers could solve the crisis facing the country. A resolution sent by the Union of Ceramic Workers and Employees of Neuquén (SOECN, which is occupying the Zanón factory) and the Neuquén Movement of Unemployed Workers (MTD), made it clear that "the effective unity between employed and unemployed workers… is the first condition for the workers to be able to head the necessary alliance with the ruined middle classes and the only way we can impose a workers and popular solution to the national crisis." They further added that: "Only the working class, employed and unemployed, state and private sector workers, can solve the national crisis. The employed working class produces all the wealth of the nation. It runs transport, pulls all the levers of the economy: from energy (gas, oil, electricity) to the financial and banking system. Together with the militancy of the unemployed (who we consider to be part of the working class) with their blockades of the country's principal roads and highways, and of course with the salaried state and municipal workers who are already in struggle and have made themselves part of the movement, this is the fundamental social force that can give rise to a progressive outcome to the capitalist crisis." Correctly, the Zanón workers also made an appeal to work amongst the rank and file of the trade unions to win organised workers away from the trade union bureaucracy.>>