Following are the themes which we hope to cover in the remainder of this year 2001. (We reserve the right to change the order of publication of the themes).
Volume 16, no. 2 Honest people are hard to find: development and morality
"Being an honest man in the Republic of Kenya is one of the most confoundingly difficult things a man can apply his mind to." Thus wrote Mutuma Mathiu in the Sunday Nation of 2nd May 1999. Why has honesty become such a rare virtue in our country that, when they meet with an honest person, people often actually go to the length of thanking such an individual in the newspaper? This issue will look into the roots of dishonesty and its twin, corruption, and will try to discover what are the remedies to this evil. Deadline: 30/4/2001.
Volume 16, no. 3 The Aged in Kenya: Resource or Burden?
The population of aged persons in Kenya has reached 4 million, which was the entire population of the country in 1945. The aged in our country are facing a host of problems which are being compounded by the Government' s decision to retrench a sizeable section of its civil service. This issue will look into the specific problems older people have to deal with in Kenya, such as health, housing and lack of mobility. It also will look into the kind of support the aged are receiving in our country (if any) and into ways of improving the quality of life for the aged. Deadline: 9/7/2001.
Volume 16, no. 4. Substance abuse: causes and cures
The abuse of and addiction to alcohol and other intoxicating substances has reached extreme levels in our country, to the extent that people flaunt death rather than seek a remedy for their addiction. In this issue we will investigate the causes and the cures of such addictions. Deadline: 15/10/2001.
Published Quarterly by DR. GERALD J. WANJOHI
Likoni Lane - P .O. Box 32440 - Nairobi - Kenya
Telephone: 712632/311674/312822
The Online publishing of WAJIBU is by Koinonia Media Centre.