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Sorry to swamp you with replies

15.04.99 (21:21)

Dear Sabrina,

Of course you have my permission to translate the text into Italian!  Right
now I have to dash off.  Air-raid siren is on, we may get hit anytime. 
Turning off the computer and leaving the modern world.  Getting down to the
world of limbo, but mostly darkness.  Greetings to your mother.


15.4.99 (21: 26)


Sorry to swamp you with replies.  Forgot something really important.  NATO
are using DU (depleted uranium) coating on their missiles and anti-tank
ammo.  To get the horrific details go to
Thus, Serbia will become subject to low-level radiation.  This story can be
checked independently from several sides.  It was first pointed out to me
by Peter Lavskis, an Australian University professor.  Should you wish more
info and URLs, just say so.

Thanks again.
