Saturday, 24 April: (1:06 a.m.) Dear Sabrina, Sabrina, Terrible bombing of my city is going on AT the moment. Bombs are falling everywhere, I counted 18 HUGE explosions in the CITY!!! for God's sake.... What is going on? Are NATO mad?????? Help, this is past normal reasoning! Please, send this message somewhere! I don't know what has been hit, the radio stations are not working, just static.... The Net is OK, a miracle again. People are mad with fear. This is a CITY for God's sake, full of civilians.... children, little children in cradles, old people, pacifists... Why, why...???? I haven't got any news as to the victims or places hit. Help. ----- Saturday, 24 April: (12:55 a.m.) Dear Sabrina, We are OK. Can't write much now, but everything is fine here. However, the city was hurt badly. Will write later. Thanks a million. From my heart. Love, Djordje