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Waiting for the attack to come

Saturday, 24 April: (11: 30 p.m)

Dear Sabrina,

Waiting for the attack to come.  Hopefully it won't tonight.  If you are a
bag of nerves now, I think that my family and I are bags of synapses, or
neurons, or whatever...  You know the story:  stomach all knotted up,  my
wife reading a book, Alexandra watching TV, both earnestly doing so, but
(subliminally) being very much aware of any little mechanical strange
sound... The only Stoic amongst us is the Cat who seems to be oblivious to
anything but its (how many??) kittens in her belly... Expecting them any
time now.   Strange, life soon to be given in this limbo created by the
Thanatic NATO...

Last night's damage to the societal infrastructure: one part of the city
been left without electricity, and, consequently, without water.  I hear
that this should be fixed soon.

Love from our family!  To all of you, of course.  May the planes never take
off!  I wish those guys had read The Little Prince...
