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Just came back from the bus station

Sunday, 30 May 1999
(6:41 a.m.)

Dear Sabrina,

Just came back from the bus station where both Snezana and I saw Asha off
for Subotica (2 km from the Hungarian border).  She will be staying the
night there with a nice Hungarian family that Snezana knows.  Let us pray
that she gets there safely.  From then on she should have a smooth ride. 
She ought to be there (God permitting) by 2 pm.  Snezana cried at the
station, I, being a big and strong Daddy, did not.  But when the bus left,
I started crying too.

Snezana and I cried most when we came back to our little claustrophobic
refuge -- our flat.  There, in the hall, just by the phone was a little
cushion that Asha sat on tonight, during another terrible onslaught by the
NATO bombers... They kept coming at us like mad dogs.  And the attacks
lasted, with little breaks, for almost an hour...   It was nightmarish
again, and I kept thinking to myself "This is why my daughter ought to

The old ladies are still in bed, I presume awake already.  Snezana and I
cannot go to bed before we get the news about Alexandra reaching Subotica. 
Since the planes left, and it must have been close to 3 am, we managed to
get perhaps an hour's sleep, no more...

Love to you our dear friends.  Having you means so much.
