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Current issue: Vol.1, No. 2 May 2001


Media coverage earlier this year of a confidential report documenting sexual abuse in the Church has opened up a heated debate on the value of celibacy for priests and religious in the modern church, particularly in Africa. It has also provoked strong reactions from many quarters, which question some of the report's cultural and religious interpretations. In this issue of The African Scribe, Fr. Elochukwu Uzukwu, a well known theologian form Nigeria, puts forth his contribution to the debate.

Indeed, The African Scribe is pleased to be associated with, and to offer a platform for, dialogue and mutual exchange on this and other issues. The aim is to foster real and meaningful dialogue between Africa and the Christian Faith. Our desire is to enhance growth in faith that is deeply rooted in the African experience of life and one that fosters true human maturity. The African Scribe, then, is a pedestal on which people from diverse backgrounds and experiences can encounter this mutual exchange and dialogue. We do not take sides with any opinion or school of thought.

You, too, are welcome to send us your contributions and/or articles, which we will edit using only the criteria of brevity, clarity and respectful dialogue. If you would like to contribute to the development of the African church, especially on issues touching the Christian faith and African encounter, please send them to .

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