Sostieni la telematica per la pace, versa un contributo sul c.c.p. 13403746 intestato ad Associazione PeaceLink, via Galuppi 15, 74010 Statte (TA) - PeaceLink 1995/2000 |
Il professor Djordje Vidanovic vive a Nis, nella Serbia sud-orientale, ha 48 anni, è sposato ed ha una figlia di 24 anni. E' docente di Linguistica e Semantica presso l'Università di Nis e fa parte della Société Européenne de Culture, che ha sede a Venezia, il cui presidente e vicepresidente sono rispettivamente Vincenzo Cappelletti e Arrrigo Levi. Ha curato, insieme al professor Dimitrijevic un volume (pubblicato anche in Italia, per Il Mulino) "Introduzione alla neurolinguistica". In Italia, nel luglio 1999, ha anche tenuto un seminario sulla metafora presso l'Istituto di Psicologia del CNR. Ha l'hobby degli scacchi al computer e lo coltiva anche collaborando alla rivista tedesca Computer Schach und Spiele. Durante i bombardamenti NATO sulla Jugoslavia per la questione del Kosovo, tra marzo e maggio 1999, ha intrattenuto costanti rapporti via e-mail con l'associazione italiana di volontariato dell'informazione PeaceLink. L'esperienza sta per sfociare in un libro.
English version: The correspondence goes on between Djordje Vidanovic, professor of Linguistics and Semantics at the University of Nis, and PeaceLink. During the conflict in Jugoslavia, Djordje helped PeaceLink's friends understand how people really lived under a bombing, however humanitarian it may have been, and go through the barrier that divided us from the "enemy". In the last few months, we had the opportunity to meet Djordje and his wife in person, thanks to a series of public meetings held in some Italian towns. The public often encouraged us to continue our correspondence with Djordje via e-mail, "not to forget about it all". We are pleased to take this suggestion: we also want to go on corresponding with Djordje, who is not only a friend to us, but also a precious witness of what is happening in Yugoslavia, even now that the "humanitarian bombs" have stopped falling.
Professor Djordje Vidanovic lives in Nis, in South-East Serbia. He is 48 years old, married and he has a 24 year-old daughter. He is a professor of Linguistics and Semantics at the University of Nis, and a member of the Société Européenne de Culture, based in Venice, whose President is Vincenzo Cappelletti and Vice President Arrigo Levi. Together with professor Dimitrijevic, he edited "Introduzione alla Neurolinguistica", a book which was published in Italy, by Il Mulino. In Italy, he also held a seminar about Metaphoring, at the CNR Institute of Psychology, in July 1999. His hobby is computer chess and he co-operates with the German magazine Computer Schach und Spiele. During the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia for the issue of Kosovo, between March and May 1999, he constantly corresponded via e-mail with PaceLink, an Italian non-profit volunteer information organisation. This experience is the subject of a forthcoming book.